Download our databases

Download our databases

Cooperatives Database - 2016

The Cooperatives Database is derived from the 2016 National Census of Cooperatives and is provided in Stata format. The package also includes the following documentation: technical report, questionnaire, variable dictionary, and executive summary.

Download the database by clicking here.

Top 20 Companies

Download the list of leading companies in the major economic sectors.

Directory of Manufacturing Companies

The Manufacturing Sector Company Directory is a valuable reference tool for businesses, researchers, and the general public. It includes companies engaged in economic activities that contribute to the Manufacturing GDP. The directory provides basic information such as company name, ISIC revision 3 code, ISIC description, department, province, district, and company size. This directory is regularly updated using administrative records from the National Superintendence of Tax Administration (SUNAT) and the Ministry of Production, as well as data from private institutions like Peru Top Publications S.A.C. This ensures continuous improvement in the quality of the information presented.

Download the database by clicking here.

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