Productive performance of the Bonito fishery resource 2023

During 2023, the total landings of the bonito resource amounted to 116,815 tons, representing a significant increase of 33.4% over the previous year (87,582 tons). Likewise, the main destination of the bonito catch was domestic sale for consumption as fresh fish, i.e. 62.4% of the total catch reached wholesale and retail fishing markets for commercialization.

Performance and importance of the Fisheries Sector 2023

In 2023, the extractive activity of the Fishing Sector recorded a total landings of 3,567.2 thousand MT of hydrobiological resources, representing a decrease of 34.4% compared to 2022 (5,436.7 thousand MT). This decrease was due to the lower catch of anchoveta for indirect human consumption (-50.7%), as a consequence of the suspension of the first anchoveta fishing season 2023 in the north-central zone and the lower fishing quota allocated, in the last five years, for the second fishing season.

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