Pesca Artesanal: Oportunidades para el desarrollo regional

El presente estudio caracteriza y analiza la situación del sector pesquero artesanal, identificando sus principales problemas y proponiendo recomendaciones que puedan ser implementadas desde el sector público, en particular desde los gobiernos regionales, para que la actividad pueda contribuir al desarrollo de las regiones del país. Para ello, el estudio aplica un análisis de cadena de valor de las actividades pesqueras y evalúa las competencias de los gobiernos regionales para proponer acciones.

Productive performance of the Bonito fishery resource 2023

During 2023, the total landings of the bonito resource amounted to 116,815 tons, representing a significant increase of 33.4% over the previous year (87,582 tons). Likewise, the main destination of the bonito catch was domestic sale for consumption as fresh fish, i.e. 62.4% of the total catch reached wholesale and retail fishing markets for commercialization.

Performance and importance of the Fisheries Sector 2023

In 2023, the extractive activity of the Fishing Sector recorded a total landings of 3,567.2 thousand MT of hydrobiological resources, representing a decrease of 34.4% compared to 2022 (5,436.7 thousand MT). This decrease was due to the lower catch of anchoveta for indirect human consumption (-50.7%), as a consequence of the suspension of the first anchoveta fishing season 2023 in the north-central zone and the lower fishing quota allocated, in the last five years, for the second fishing season.

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